Term: Spring 2019Units 3Days: MON WEDTimes: 11:30:00-12:45:00Ön Koşullar: PHYS. 401 or consent of the instructor

Time-independent perturbation theory; fine structure of the hydrogen spectrum; variational approximation; helium atom; WKB quantization; time-dependent perturbation theory; two-level systems; emission and absorbtion; adiabatic approximation; geometric phase.

Term: Spring 2019Units 0Times: 0:00:00-0:00:00

A series of seminars given by faculty or outside speakers. Participating students must also make presentations during the semester.

Term: Spring 2019Units 3Days: MON WEDTimes: 8:30:00-9:45:00Ön Koşullar: MATH. 201 or MATH 202 or consent of the instructor and Cpap 100 or Cpap 101 or Cpap 150 or DOS 171

Fundamental decisions and trade-offs in the control of a firm's operations in obtaining materials and transferring them to a product or a service in a facility; the contribution of operations to a firm's competitiveness; analysis, control, and improvement of processes.

Term: Spring 2019Units 3Days: MON WEDTimes: 10:00:00-11:15:00Ön Koşullar: MATH. 201 or MATH 202 or consent of the instructor and Cpap 100 or Cpap 101 or Cpap 150 or DOS 171

Fundamental decisions and trade-offs in the control of a firm's operations in obtaining materials and transferring them to a product or a service in a facility; the contribution of operations to a firm's competitiveness; analysis, control, and improvement of processes.

Term: Spring 2019Units 3Days: MON WEDTimes: 11:30:00-12:45:00

An overview of the objectives, policies and self-imposed restrictions that together describe how organizations propose to develop and direct all the resources invested in operations so as to best fulfil, and possibly redefine, their missions. Coordination of marketing, operations, and finance functions within a framework designed to meet the competitive requirements of the marketplace. Interface issues between corporate strategy and the management of the operations function.

Term: Spring 2019Units 3Days: TUES THURSTimes: 13:00:00-14:15:00

QUEUEING THEORY :Queues are unavoidable aspects of our daily life. We wait in grocery stores, banks, restaurants, hospitals, call centers etc. Moreover, humans are not the only ones that wait in queues. We see queues in computer systems, manufacturing systems, telecommunication systems etc. Nobody likes waiting because it is costly. Hence, there is a need for understanding the queues. Queueing theory is a mathematical tool that analyzes queues. It answers what makes queues appear and how to make them go away. It is generally used for predicting the system performance and finding the superior system design to improve the performance. We will learn queueing theory in this course. The course topics can be classified into four groups: Introduction and preliminaries (weeks 1-3), Markovian queues (weeks 4-6), networks of queues (weeks 8-10), and scheduling in queues and further topics (weeks 11-14). See the syllabus for details.

Term: Spring 2019Units 3Days: TUES THURSTimes: 8:30:00-9:45:00

Basic functions of Human Resource Management from a generalist perspective for all managers; job design, recruitment, selection, training and career development, compensation and benefits, performance appraisal and discipline in organizations; current developments in HRM abroad and in Türkiye.

Term: Spring 2019Units 9Times: 0:00:00-0:00:00

General knowledge on development, health and diseases of children. Prevention, diagnosis and treatment methods in pediatrics. Nutrition (breast feeding, weaning), growth monitoring, vaccination and screening programs in infancy. Genetic, structural and metabolic diseases of children. Taking history, physical examination, laboratory examination and modern treatment methods of childhood diseases. Infectious, hemato-oncologic, respiratory, cardiac, gastrointestinal, renal, neurologic and endocrine system diseases in pediatric age group.

Term: Spring 2019Units 5Times: 0:00:00-0:00:00

Basic clinical skills to assess the medical, developmental, and behavioral issues concerning children, from newborns to adolescents. Disease and injury prevention, the use of screening tools, and immunizations. Common acute/chronic medical and surgical conditions in childhood: mechanisms of diseases, pathologic findings, clinical presentations, physical examination, symptomatology, laboratory tests, diagnostic imaging and treatment. Generation of an age-appropriate differential diagnosis for common symptoms or patient presentations. Interpretation of the results of common diagnostic tests with an emphasis on age related norms. Neonatal and pediatric advanced life support, approach to the emergent pediatric patients and stabilization skills. In this block, the interns will rotate in the general pediatric ward, pediatric ambulatory settings, the newborn and pediatric intensive care units and pediatric emergency unit. The program will consist of patient follow-up, shifts, case discussions and literature research and presentations. (8 weeks; compulsory on-call nights and weekends)

Term: Spring 2019Units 5Times: 0:00:00-0:00:00

Basic clinical skills to assess the medical, developmental, and behavioral issues concerning children, from newborns to adolescents. Disease and injury prevention, the use of screening tools, and immunizations. Common acute/chronic medical and surgical conditions in childhood: mechanisms of diseases, pathologic findings, clinical presentations, physical examination, symptomatology, laboratory tests, diagnostic imaging and treatment. Generation of an age-appropriate differential diagnosis for common symptoms or patient presentations. Interpretation of the results of common diagnostic tests with an emphasis on age related norms. Neonatal and pediatric advanced life support, approach to the emergent pediatric patients and stabilization skills. In this block, the interns will rotate in the general pediatric ward, pediatric ambulatory settings, the newborn and pediatric intensive care units and pediatric emergency unit. The program will consist of patient follow-up, shifts, case discussions and literature research and presentations. (8 weeks; compulsory on-call nights and weekends)

Term: Spring 2019Units 5Times: 0:00:00-0:00:00

Basic clinical skills to assess the medical, developmental, and behavioral issues concerning children, from newborns to adolescents. Disease and injury prevention, the use of screening tools, and immunizations. Common acute/chronic medical and surgical conditions in childhood: mechanisms of diseases, pathologic findings, clinical presentations, physical examination, symptomatology, laboratory tests, diagnostic imaging and treatment. Generation of an age-appropriate differential diagnosis for common symptoms or patient presentations. Interpretation of the results of common diagnostic tests with an emphasis on age related norms. Neonatal and pediatric advanced life support, approach to the emergent pediatric patients and stabilization skills. In this block, the interns will rotate in the general pediatric ward, pediatric ambulatory settings, the newborn and pediatric intensive care units and pediatric emergency unit. The program will consist of patient follow-up, shifts, case discussions and literature research and presentations. (8 weeks; compulsory on-call nights and weekends)

Term: Spring 2019Units 5Times: 0:00:00-0:00:00

Basic clinical skills to assess the medical, developmental, and behavioral issues concerning children, from newborns to adolescents. Disease and injury prevention, the use of screening tools, and immunizations. Common acute/chronic medical and surgical conditions in childhood: mechanisms of diseases, pathologic findings, clinical presentations, physical examination, symptomatology, laboratory tests, diagnostic imaging and treatment. Generation of an age-appropriate differential diagnosis for common symptoms or patient presentations. Interpretation of the results of common diagnostic tests with an emphasis on age related norms. Neonatal and pediatric advanced life support, approach to the emergent pediatric patients and stabilization skills. In this block, the interns will rotate in the general pediatric ward, pediatric ambulatory settings, the newborn and pediatric intensive care units and pediatric emergency unit. The program will consist of patient follow-up, shifts, case discussions and literature research and presentations. (8 weeks; compulsory on-call nights and weekends)

Term: Spring 2019Units 5Times: 0:00:00-0:00:00

Basic clinical skills to assess the medical, developmental, and behavioral issues concerning children, from newborns to adolescents. Disease and injury prevention, the use of screening tools, and immunizations. Common acute/chronic medical and surgical conditions in childhood: mechanisms of diseases, pathologic findings, clinical presentations, physical examination, symptomatology, laboratory tests, diagnostic imaging and treatment. Generation of an age-appropriate differential diagnosis for common symptoms or patient presentations. Interpretation of the results of common diagnostic tests with an emphasis on age related norms. Neonatal and pediatric advanced life support, approach to the emergent pediatric patients and stabilization skills. In this block, the interns will rotate in the general pediatric ward, pediatric ambulatory settings, the newborn and pediatric intensive care units and pediatric emergency unit. The program will consist of patient follow-up, shifts, case discussions and literature research and presentations. (8 weeks; compulsory on-call nights and weekends)

Term: Spring 2019Units 5Times: 0:00:00-0:00:00

Basic clinical skills to assess the medical, developmental, and behavioral issues concerning children, from newborns to adolescents. Disease and injury prevention, the use of screening tools, and immunizations. Common acute/chronic medical and surgical conditions in childhood: mechanisms of diseases, pathologic findings, clinical presentations, physical examination, symptomatology, laboratory tests, diagnostic imaging and treatment. Generation of an age-appropriate differential diagnosis for common symptoms or patient presentations. Interpretation of the results of common diagnostic tests with an emphasis on age related norms. Neonatal and pediatric advanced life support, approach to the emergent pediatric patients and stabilization skills. In this block, the interns will rotate in the general pediatric ward, pediatric ambulatory settings, the newborn and pediatric intensive care units and pediatric emergency unit. The program will consist of patient follow-up, shifts, case discussions and literature research and presentations. (8 weeks; compulsory on-call nights and weekends)

Term: Spring 2019Units 3Days: MON WEDTimes: 16:00:00-17:15:00

In this course, we will study propositional logic and first-order monadic quantifier calculus.

Term: Spring 2019Units 3Days: MON WEDTimes: 14:30:00-15:45:00

An examination of ethical views from Ancient times until present. An in-depth analysis of the issues in ethics.

Term: Spring 2019Units 3Days: TUES THURSTimes: 13:00:00-14:15:00

Western philosophy from Descartes to Kant. An examination of the texts of philosophers such as Descartes, Locke, Leibniz, Hume, Hobbes, Spinoza and Kant.

Term: Spring 2019Units 3Days: TUES THURSTimes: 14:30:00-15:45:00

Examination of major concepts and issues in social and political philosophy. The concepts of equality, law, freedom, and social and political responsibility.

Term: Spring 2019Units 3Days: MON WEDTimes: 11:30:00-12:45:00

The analysis of the philosophical problems that issue from the nature and structure of language. These include meaning, reference, speech acts and contemporary descriptive linguistics.

Term: Spring 2019Units 3Days: MON WEDTimes: 13:00:00-14:15:00

A study of the nature of intentional action. A survey of both metaphysical and epistemological problems actions have given rise to such as whether we can analyze action into its physical and psychological components, whether it is possible to reconcile reason and causal explanations of action, how to understand involvement of reason in action. An examination of structure of practical reason.

Term: Spring 2019Units 3Days: TUES THURSTimes: 8:30:00-9:45:00Ön Koşullar: Must be taken with PHYS 101L Co-requsitie or Pre-requsite: DOS 171 or CPAP 100

Physical quantities; rectilinear motion; motion in two and three dimensions; Newton's laws of motion; work and energy; momentum; conservation laws; collisions; rotational dynamics; gravitation; periodic motion; fluid motion.

Term: Spring 2019Units 3Days: TUES THURSTimes: 13:00:00-14:15:00Ön Koşullar: Must be taken with PHYS 101L Co-requsitie or Pre-requsite: DOS 171 or CPAP 100

Physical quantities; rectilinear motion; motion in two and three dimensions; Newton's laws of motion; work and energy; momentum; conservation laws; collisions; rotational dynamics; gravitation; periodic motion; fluid motion.

Term: Spring 2019Units 3Days: MON WEDTimes: 10:00:00-11:15:00Ön Koşullar: PHYS. 101 or consent of the instructor and must be taken with PHYS 102L

Electric charge and electric field; Gauss's law; electric potential; dielectrics; electric circuits; magnetic field and magnetic forces; sources of magnetic field; electromagnetic induction; electromagnetic waves.

Term: Spring 2019Units 3Days: MON WEDTimes: 8:30:00-9:45:00Ön Koşullar: PHYS. 101 or consent of the instructor and must be taken with PHYS 102L

Electric charge and electric field; Gauss's law; electric potential; dielectrics; electric circuits; magnetic field and magnetic forces; sources of magnetic field; electromagnetic induction; electromagnetic waves.