Term: Spring 2016Units 3Days: TUES THURSTimes: 13:00:00-14:15:00

Economic reasoning; basic concepts and processes in microeconomics and macroeconomics; identification and discussion of current economic issues covered in popular economics publications. The students who completed ECON 101, 102 can not earn credits from ECON 100.

Term: Spring 2016Units 3Days: TUES THURSTimes: 11:30:00-12:45:00Ön Koşullar: ECON 101 and MATH 102 or MATH 106

Conceptual foundations and modeling tools towards an understanding of economic decisions and interactions; theory of the consumer: preferences and utility maximization, with application to different choice contexts; theory of the firm: profit maximization, cost minimization; market equilibrium with perfect competition, monopoly, and oligopoly; markets for factor of production; introduction to general equilibrium and welfare; public goods and externalities; basic concepts of game theory and strategic interaction; information and market failure.

Term: Spring 2016Units 3Days: TUES THURSTimes: 14:30:00-15:45:00Ön Koşullar: ECON 101 and MATH 102 or MATH 106

Conceptual foundations and modeling tools towards an understanding of economic decisions and interactions; theory of the consumer: preferences and utility maximization, with application to different choice contexts; theory of the firm: profit maximization, cost minimization; market equilibrium with perfect competition, monopoly, and oligopoly; markets for factor of production; introduction to general equilibrium and welfare; public goods and externalities; basic concepts of game theory and strategic interaction; information and market failure.

Term: Spring 2016Units 3Days: TUES THURSTimes: 8:30:00-9:45:00Ön Koşullar: ECON 101 and MATH 102 or MATH 106

Conceptual foundations and modeling tools towards an understanding of economic decisions and interactions; theory of the consumer: preferences and utility maximization, with application to different choice contexts; theory of the firm: profit maximization, cost minimization; market equilibrium with perfect competition, monopoly, and oligopoly; markets for factor of production; introduction to general equilibrium and welfare; public goods and externalities; basic concepts of game theory and strategic interaction; information and market failure.

Term: Spring 2016Units 3Days: MON WEDTimes: 8:30:00-9:45:00Ön Koşullar: ECON. 102

Real and financial sides of the aggregate economy; determinants of long-term economic growth and the Solow growth model; the business cycle and the behavior of aggregate consumption, savings, investment , and unemployment; aggregate price dynamics and inflation; monetary and fiscal policies in the context of IS-LM framework; open economy: real exchange rate and balance of payments. Impact of financial crises and macroeconomic policy response.

Term: Spring 2016Units 3Days: MON WEDTimes: 10:00:00-11:15:00Ön Koşullar: ECON. 102

Real and financial sides of the aggregate economy; determinants of long-term economic growth and the Solow growth model; the business cycle and the behavior of aggregate consumption, savings, investment , and unemployment; aggregate price dynamics and inflation; monetary and fiscal policies in the context of IS-LM framework; open economy: real exchange rate and balance of payments. Impact of financial crises and macroeconomic policy response.

Term: Spring 2016Units 3Days: TUES THURSTimes: 8:30:00-9:45:00Ön Koşullar: ECON. 102

Real and financial sides of the aggregate economy; determinants of long-term economic growth and the Solow growth model; the business cycle and the behavior of aggregate consumption, savings, investment , and unemployment; aggregate price dynamics and inflation; monetary and fiscal policies in the context of IS-LM framework; open economy: real exchange rate and balance of payments. Impact of financial crises and macroeconomic policy response.

Term: Spring 2016Units 4Days: TUES THURSTimes: 14:30:00-15:45:00Ön Koşullar: ECON. 201 and MATH. 201 or Engr 200 or Engr 201 or Math 211

Methods used for empirical examination of economic phenomena. Linear regression: least squares, goodness of fit, prediction; classical regression model; properties of estimators; links between models and economic theory; functional form; interpretation of regression results. Inference; confidence intervals and hypothesis testing; introduction to econometric packages and applications using data from economics and business; implications of relaxing the assumptions of the classical regression model.

Term: Spring 2016Units 4Days: TUES THURSTimes: 16:00:00-17:15:00Ön Koşullar: ECON. 201 and MATH. 201 or Engr 200 or Engr 201 or Math 211

Methods used for empirical examination of economic phenomena. Linear regression: least squares, goodness of fit, prediction; classical regression model; properties of estimators; links between models and economic theory; functional form; interpretation of regression results. Inference; confidence intervals and hypothesis testing; introduction to econometric packages and applications using data from economics and business; implications of relaxing the assumptions of the classical regression model.

Term: Spring 2016Units 3Days: MON WEDTimes: 13:00:00-14:15:00Ön Koşullar: ECON. 311

Econometric methods to model time series variables and tools for forecasting. Background for time series: difference equations; Models with single variables: ARIMA models; specification testing, model selection; Structural components: seasonality, cyclicality and trends; Models with multiple variables: multivariate models; Forecasting: forecasting techniques, forecast comparison and evaluation of forecasting performance. Applications from economics and business using econometric software.

Term: Spring 2016Units 3Days: TUES THURSTimes: 10:00:00-11:15:00Ön Koşullar: ECON. 201 or consent of the instructor

Theoretical and empirical examination of the labor market: labor supply, demand for labor, and market equilibrium. Links between demographics (gender, race and ethnicity, marital status, age...) and labor market outcomes. Investments in human capital; household production and division of labor, fertility; job mobility and migration. Real and money wage determination; compensation schemes; compensating wage differentials; unions, public versus private sector employment, informal sector, and labor market segmentation; unemployment and poverty; discrimination and segregation. Selected aspects of the labor market in Türkiye.

Term: Spring 2016Units 3Days: TUES THURSTimes: 13:00:00-14:15:00Ön Koşullar: ECON. 202

Theoretical and empirical examination of international financial markets. Adjustment of balance of payments and exchange rate. Effects of devaluation and macroeconomic policy under fixed and floating exchange rates. Short and long term capital flows; interest arbitrage; the Euro-dollar market. Financial Globalization and Financial Crises.

Term: Spring 2016Units 3Days: TUES THURSTimes: 14:30:00-15:45:00Ön Koşullar: ECON. 202

Theoretical and empirical examination of international financial markets. Adjustment of balance of payments and exchange rate. Effects of devaluation and macroeconomic policy under fixed and floating exchange rates. Short and long term capital flows; interest arbitrage; the Euro-dollar market. Financial Globalization and Financial Crises.

Term: Spring 2016Units 3Days: MON WEDTimes: 10:00:00-11:15:00Ön Koşullar: ECON. 201 or consent of the instructor

Firm behavior in imperfectly competitive markets. How firms acquire and maintain market power. Welfare consequences of market power. Strategic interactions among firms, and the role of government competition policy. Basic theoretical models of industrial economics: Bertrand and Cournot competition, collusion, advertising, innovation, and international trade.

Term: Spring 2016Units 3Days: TUES THURSTimes: 11:30:00-12:45:00Ön Koşullar: ECON. 201 or consent of the instructor

Firm behavior in imperfectly competitive markets. How firms acquire and maintain market power. Welfare consequences of market power. Strategic interactions among firms, and the role of government competition policy. Basic theoretical models of industrial economics: Bertrand and Cournot competition, collusion, advertising, innovation, and international trade.

Term: Spring 2016Units 3Days: TUES THURSTimes: 8:30:00-9:45:00Ön Koşullar: ECON 201 and MATH 201 or MATH 202 veya ENGR 200 or ENGR 201 or MATH 211

Analysis of strategic interactions that commonly arise in economic, business, political, and judicial arenas. A systematic introduction to game theory and some of its applications, such as market competition, technological races, auctions, party competition for votes, and bargaining.

Term: Spring 2016Units 3Days: TUES THURSTimes: 10:00:00-11:15:00Ön Koşullar: ECON 201 and MATH 201 or MATH 202 veya ENGR 200 or ENGR 201 or MATH 211

Analysis of strategic interactions that commonly arise in economic, business, political, and judicial arenas. A systematic introduction to game theory and some of its applications, such as market competition, technological races, auctions, party competition for votes, and bargaining.

Term: Spring 2016Units 3Days: TUES THURSTimes: 14:30:00-15:45:00Ön Koşullar: ECON 201 and MATH 201 or MATH 202 veya ENGR 200 or ENGR 201 or MATH 211

Analysis of strategic interactions that commonly arise in economic, business, political, and judicial arenas. A systematic introduction to game theory and some of its applications, such as market competition, technological races, auctions, party competition for votes, and bargaining.

Term: Spring 2016Units 3Days: MON WEDTimes: 14:30:00-15:45:00Ön Koşullar: ECON. 201 or consent of the instructor

Principles of taxation and the role of government: excess burden and optimal taxation; voting and its relevance for public finance; redistribution of income and wealth; inflation and public finance. Welfare economics. Analysis of public sector decision making and privatization. Project evaluation and cost-benefit analysis.

Term: Spring 2016Units 3Days: TUES THURSTimes: 10:00:00-11:15:00

Theories of economic growth that explain differences in the level as well as the growth rate of income per capita across countries and time. Empirical research motivated by and, in return, led to the development of new models of economic growth. The Harrod-Domar, Solow-Swan growth models that focus on the role of physical capital, population growth, technical change, human capital, land and other natural resources in the growth process. The Cambridge theories of growth that focus on growth and income distribution. Productivity decline, conditional and unconditional convergence, and income distribution across countries. Endogenous growth models and the scope of institutional factors and government policies in the growth process.

Term: Spring 2016Units 3Days: FRITimes: 10:00:00-12:45:00

Topics will be announced when offered.

Term: Spring 2016Units 3Days: MON WEDTimes: 8:30:00-9:45:00

This course will examine the role played by institutions and political economy considerations in determining overall economic performance. The course aims to describe the role and evolution of institutions in economic growth, to understand basic models of politics, and to provide an introduction to the dynamic effects of fiscal and monetary policy. By the end of the course, students should be able to understand the the role of institutional failure, models of governance and mis-governance, optimal fiscal policy, and the concepts of reputation, credibility, and time inconsistency.

Term: Spring 2016Units 3Days: TUES THURSTimes: 10:00:00-11:15:00

Choice under uncertainty; game theory; mechanism design; principal-agent models.

Term: Spring 2016Units 3Days: TUESTimes: 12:45:00-14:30:00

Choice under uncertainty; game theory; mechanism design; principal-agent models.