Program Overview

Ongoing technological developments offer a wide range of opportunities for the creative industries. In the fundamental fields of the global market where creative industries can grow – design, film production, music, animation, interactive media, computer games, digital advertisement, gastronomy and cultural heritage – the creative industries need scholars and professionals who can use interdisciplinary thinking skills to develop new approaches for the utilization of technologies and digital products. All over the world, there is an expanding need for experts who can creatively manage the convergence of different communication platforms, who can analyze, anticipate and address the changing needs and expectations of individuals as consumers or as citizens.

More so than in the past, creative industries in today’s world comprise increasingly complex components and processes in terms of form, function, material and production. Consequently, it is becoming more important to acquire an interdisciplinary understanding of new concepts of the 21st century, such as interaction designexperience design, and service design.

This new interdisciplinary field which combines applied design,social and behavioral sciencescomputation, and experimental design requires an extensive understanding of human cognition,emotions, and perceptions; of systems and informatics; of the history and philosophy of science; of technology, and information. Therefore, close collaboration between the disciplines of designcomputingpsychologysociologyhistory and media studies is imperative.

This graduate program aims to provide students with an opportunity to acquire an appliedtheoretical, and critical understanding of interactive communication, experience design and service design, and to develop as researchers and practitioners.

Qualification Awarded

PhD in Design, Technology and Society

Admission Requirements

  • Research proposal (PDF format)
  • Research proposal approval document from project coordinator/ faculty member (PDF format)
  • Originality check document for the research proposal from Turnitin (PDF format)
  • Link to online CV (web page or PDF file download)
  • Link to online portfolio (if applicable)
  • Official transcript from your university
  • Proof of English language proficiency – TOEFL, or YDS
  • ALES scores, or (for non-Turkish citizens) GRE scores
  • 3letters of recommendation

Application Requirements for PhD Programs

  • Minimum GPA of 3.00/4.00
  • Proof of English language proficiency:
    • TOEFL: IBT min. 80, CBT min. 213, PBT min. 550
    • YDS: min. 80
  • Standardized tests:
    • ALES: min. 70 equally weighted (EA); min. 80  for PhD applicants without a masters degree
    • GRE: min. 156 Quantitative (for non-Turkish citizens)

Exchange Opportunities

The number of exchange program partners has increased rapidly over the years and the number of partner institutions has exceeded 100.

+ Click here for the full list of the institution that have a partnership agreement with Koç University.

Examination Regulations, Assessment and Grading

Examinations Letter Grade Number Grade Equivalents

A+ 4.00
A 4.00
A- 3.70
B+ 3.30
B 3.00
B- 2.70
C+ 2.30
C 2.00
C- 1.70
D+ 1.30
D 1.00
F 0.00

+ Degree Requirements

+ Course Descriptions

Occupational Profiles and Access to Further Studies

Graduates of the PhD Program in Design, Technology and Society can work in many national and international academic positions, journals and publishing houses in design, technology and society, research centers, and private and public institutions serving in the relevant field, provided that they provide the necessary competencies.

Career Development Center, supports all Koç University students and graduates in career Development and Planning, in preparing graduate education plans, and in professional life decisions. For more information about the Career Development Center, please visit