Term: Fall 2016Units 3Days: TUES THURSTimes: 11:30:00-12:45:00Ön Koşullar: ELEC.202 & ELEC.206

Electrical excitation mechanisms of biological cells, bio-electronic systems. Electrically active membranes and their resistance and capacitance, diffusion and fields across membranes, Nernst equilibrium, ion channels, action potentials, impulse propagation, electrical stimulation, and biomedical electronic systems

Term: Fall 2016Units 3Days: TUES THURSTimes: 10:00:00-11:15:00

Fundamental concepts of sensors, driving/readout electronics; rational design of sensors, state-of-the-art commercial sensing, remote sensing, Internet of Things; Strain, piezoelectric, pressure, temperature, GPS, chemical, biological, resistive, capacitive sensors, photodetectors, accelerometers, gyroscopes; optical, magnetic sensors, RF sensors, power electronics, self-powered sensors; Sensor networks based on WiFi, 4G, Bluetooth; Human/Animal sensory systems; Feedback control systems; Microfabrication of sensors. Course Type: Restricted Area

Term: Fall 2016Units 4Times: 0:00:00-0:00:00Ön Koşullar: ELEC.310 and ELEC.304 and ELEC.316 OR ELEC.310 and ELEC.301

A capstone design course where students apply engineering and science knowledge in an electrical-electronics engineering design project. Development, design, implementation and management of a project in teams under realistic constraints and conditions. Emphasis on communication, teamwork and presentation skills..

Term: Fall 2016Units 3Days: TUES THURSTimes: 14:30:00-15:45:00Ön Koşullar: ENGR. 200 or consent of the instructor

Discrete and continuous random variables and processes, functions of random variables, independence of random variables. Central Limit Theorem. Discrete-time random processes, continuous-time random processes, stationary random processes, ergodicity, auto and cross correlation functions, power spectral density; spectral estimation, white noise processes, Markov chains.

Term: Fall 2016Units 3Days: MON WEDTimes: 10:00:00-11:15:00

Linear Algebra Review, Normal Matrices, Quadratic Forms and Semidefinite Matrices, Inner Product and Norm Spaces, State Space Descriptions for Continuous and Discrete Time Systems, Controllability, Observability, Stability, Realization Theory.

Term: Fall 2016Units 3Days: TUES THURSTimes: 13:00:00-14:15:00

Study of computational models of visual perception and their implementation in computer systems. Topics include: image formation; edge, corner and boundary extraction, segmentation, matching, pattern recognition and classification techniques; 3-D Vision: projection geometry, camera calibration, shape from stereo/silhouette/shading, model-based 3D object recognition; color texture, radiometry and BDRF; motion analysis.

Term: Fall 2016Units 3Days: MON WEDTimes: 16:00:00-17:15:00

Characterization of communication signals & systems, digital modulation schemes, optimum reception for the additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel, signal design for band-limited channels, Nyquist criterion, intersymbol interference (ISI), optimum reception for channels with ISI and AWGN, linear equalization, decision feedback equalization, adaptive equalization, channel capacity & coding, linear block codes, convolutional codes, multichannel and multicarrier systems, spread spectrum signals for digital communications, multiuser communications. Design oriented exercises using computer aids.

Term: Fall 2016Units 3Days: TUES THURSTimes: 14:30:00-15:45:00

Introduction to mathematical formulations and computational techniques for the modeling and simulation of engineering and other kinds of systems, including electronic, mechanical, biological, biochemical, virtual, abstract and multi-domain dynamical systems. Applications from various engineering disciplines and the sciences. Matrix formulation of equations for linear problems. Formulation of equations for nonlinear problems & linearization. Numerical solution of linear algebraic equations. Gaussian elimination, computations with sparse & structured matrices. Floating point number representation & arithmetic. Numerical conditioning, ill-conditioned problems. Numerical solution of nonlinear algebraic equations. Fixed point iteration & Newton’s method in one dimension. Newton’s method for system of coupled nonlinear algebraic equations. Improving convergence of Newton’s method. Numerical solution of ordinary differential equations. Forward & backward Euler, trapezoidal rule. Multistep methods, accuracy & stability. Implicit vs explicit techniques, region of stability, stiff problems.

Term: Fall 2016Units 3Days: TUES THURSTimes: 14:30:00-15:45:00

Review of electromagnetism; geometrical optics, analysis of optical systems; wave properties of light, Gaussian beams, beam optics; interaction of light with matter, spontaneous and stimulated emission, optical amplification, theory and applications of lasers, optical interactions in semiconductors, light emitting diodes and diode lasers; detectors, noise in detection systems; light propagation in anisotropic crystals, Pockels and Kerr effect, light modulators; nonlinear optics, second harmonic generation, phase matching, nonlinear optical materials.

Term: Fall 2016Units 3Days: MON WEDTimes: 8:30:00-9:45:00

Fundamentals of optics and applications of the optical technology: photon and wave nature of light, geometrical optics, optical instruments, electro-magnetic waves, interference and interferometers, fiber optics, diffraction, diffraction gratings, polarization and its applications, multi-layer films, Fresnel equations, and rainbows. Real world applications of course topics.

Term: Fall 2016Units 3Days: TUES THURSTimes: 11:30:00-12:45:00

Electrical excitation mechanisms of biological cells, bio-electronic systems. Electrically active membranes and their resistance and capacitance, diffusion and fields across membranes, Nernst equilibrium, ion channels, action potentials, impulse propagation, electrical stimulation, and biomedical electronic systems

Term: Fall 2016Units 3Days: TUES THURSTimes: 10:00:00-11:15:00

Fundamental concepts of sensors, driving/readout electronics; rational design of sensors, state-of-the-art commercial sensing, remote sensing, Internet of Things; Strain, piezoelectric, pressure, temperature, GPS, chemical, biological, resistive, capacitive sensors, photodetectors, accelerometers, gyroscopes; optical, magnetic sensors, RF sensors, power electronics, self-powered sensors; Sensor networks based on WiFi, 4G, Bluetooth; Human/Animal sensory systems; Feedback control systems; Microfabrication of sensors.

Term: Fall 2016Units 3Times: 0:00:00-0:00:00

Term: Fall 2016Units 0Times: 0:00:00-0:00:00

A series of lectures given by faculty or outside speakers.

Term: Fall 2016Units 3Times: 0:00:00-0:00:00

Interns will spend four weeks in the Emergency Department. They will take an active role in the initial evaluation and treatment of patients, work alongside senior residents, attendings, and nursing staff, and are exposed to wide variety of patients, medical and surgical emergencies, and procedures. Interns will gain valuable experience, as they will be able to follow patients from presentation, through their workup, and onto their diagnosis and management. Interns will evaluate the patients’ level of urgency, learn and apply triage principles. Learn the basic interventions (such as urinary catheter, N/G gavage, taking blood sample, intubation etc). Interns will participate in daily teaching sessions, weekly departmental conferences, as well as lecture series designed specifically for them. (4 weeks; compulsory on-call nights and weekends)

Term: Fall 2016Units 3Times: 0:00:00-0:00:00

Interns will spend four weeks in the Emergency Department. They will take an active role in the initial evaluation and treatment of patients, work alongside senior residents, attendings, and nursing staff, and are exposed to wide variety of patients, medical and surgical emergencies, and procedures. Interns will gain valuable experience, as they will be able to follow patients from presentation, through their workup, and onto their diagnosis and management. Interns will evaluate the patients’ level of urgency, learn and apply triage principles. Learn the basic interventions (such as urinary catheter, N/G gavage, taking blood sample, intubation etc). Interns will participate in daily teaching sessions, weekly departmental conferences, as well as lecture series designed specifically for them. (4 weeks; compulsory on-call nights and weekends)

Term: Fall 2016Units 3Times: 0:00:00-0:00:00

Interns will spend four weeks in the Emergency Department. They will take an active role in the initial evaluation and treatment of patients, work alongside senior residents, attendings, and nursing staff, and are exposed to wide variety of patients, medical and surgical emergencies, and procedures. Interns will gain valuable experience, as they will be able to follow patients from presentation, through their workup, and onto their diagnosis and management. Interns will evaluate the patients’ level of urgency, learn and apply triage principles. Learn the basic interventions (such as urinary catheter, N/G gavage, taking blood sample, intubation etc). Interns will participate in daily teaching sessions, weekly departmental conferences, as well as lecture series designed specifically for them. (4 weeks; compulsory on-call nights and weekends)

Term: Fall 2016Units 3Times: 0:00:00-0:00:00

Interns will spend four weeks in the Emergency Department. They will take an active role in the initial evaluation and treatment of patients, work alongside senior residents, attendings, and nursing staff, and are exposed to wide variety of patients, medical and surgical emergencies, and procedures. Interns will gain valuable experience, as they will be able to follow patients from presentation, through their workup, and onto their diagnosis and management. Interns will evaluate the patients’ level of urgency, learn and apply triage principles. Learn the basic interventions (such as urinary catheter, N/G gavage, taking blood sample, intubation etc). Interns will participate in daily teaching sessions, weekly departmental conferences, as well as lecture series designed specifically for them. (4 weeks; compulsory on-call nights and weekends)

Term: Fall 2016Units 0Days: FRITimes: 11:30:00-12:45:00

The following objectives will be met through extensive reading, writing and discussion both in and out of class.Build a solid background in academic discourse, both written and spoken. Improve intensive and extensive critical reading skills. Foster critical and creative thinking. Build fundamental academic writing skills including summary, paraphrase, analysis, synthesis. Master cohesiveness as well as proper academic citation when incorporating the work of others.

Term: Fall 2016Units 0Days: FRITimes: 13:00:00-14:15:00

The following objectives will be met through extensive reading, writing and discussion both in and out of class.Build a solid background in academic discourse, both written and spoken. Improve intensive and extensive critical reading skills. Foster critical and creative thinking. Build fundamental academic writing skills including summary, paraphrase, analysis, synthesis. Master cohesiveness as well as proper academic citation when incorporating the work of others.

Term: Fall 2016Units 0Days: FRITimes: 14:30:00-15:45:00

The following objectives will be met through extensive reading, writing and discussion both in and out of class.Build a solid background in academic discourse, both written and spoken. Improve intensive and extensive critical reading skills. Foster critical and creative thinking. Build fundamental academic writing skills including summary, paraphrase, analysis, synthesis. Master cohesiveness as well as proper academic citation when incorporating the work of others.

Term: Fall 2016Units 0Days: FRITimes: 16:00:00-17:15:00

The following objectives will be met through extensive reading, writing and discussion both in and out of class.Build a solid background in academic discourse, both written and spoken. Improve intensive and extensive critical reading skills. Foster critical and creative thinking. Build fundamental academic writing skills including summary, paraphrase, analysis, synthesis. Master cohesiveness as well as proper academic citation when incorporating the work of others.

Term: Fall 2016Units 0Days: THURSTimes: 16:00:00-17:15:00

The following objectives will be met through extensive reading, writing and discussion both in and out of class.Build a solid background in academic discourse, both written and spoken. Improve intensive and extensive critical reading skills. Foster critical and creative thinking. Build fundamental academic writing skills including summary, paraphrase, analysis, synthesis. Master cohesiveness as well as proper academic citation when incorporating the work of others.

Term: Fall 2016Units 4Days: MON WEDTimes: 8:30:00-9:45:00Ön Koşullar: MATH. 106 or consent of the instructor

Introduction to probability, sets, conditional probability, total probability theorem and Bayes rule; Independence, counting; Discrete random variables, functions of random variables, expectation, mean and variance; Continuous random variables, probability density functions, and cumulative distribution functions; Multiple random variables; Sums of random variables; Limit theorems; Covariance and correlation; Introduction to Stochastic Processes