Term: Spring 2016Units 3Times: 0:00:00-0:00:00

Interns in Obstetrics and Gynecology are expected to fulfill a four-week program rotating through specialties in the Department. Two weeks are spent as part of the labor and delivery team; following-up laboring and antepartum patients, assisting in deliveries and C-sections, seeing patients in the outpatient Obstetrics clinics. Interns will spend two weeks as part of the Gynecology service. During this period, they are expected to actively take part in the care of in-patients, assist in the operating room, consult emergency patients and work in the Outpatient Clinic. (4 weeks; compulsory on-call nights and weekends)

Term: Spring 2016Units 3Times: 0:00:00-0:00:00

Interns in Obstetrics and Gynecology are expected to fulfill a four-week program rotating through specialties in the Department. Two weeks are spent as part of the labor and delivery team; following-up laboring and antepartum patients, assisting in deliveries and C-sections, seeing patients in the outpatient Obstetrics clinics. Interns will spend two weeks as part of the Gynecology service. During this period, they are expected to actively take part in the care of in-patients, assist in the operating room, consult emergency patients and work in the Outpatient Clinic. (4 weeks; compulsory on-call nights and weekends)

Term: Spring 2016Units 3Times: 0:00:00-0:00:00

Interns in Obstetrics and Gynecology are expected to fulfill a four-week program rotating through specialties in the Department. Two weeks are spent as part of the labor and delivery team; following-up laboring and antepartum patients, assisting in deliveries and C-sections, seeing patients in the outpatient Obstetrics clinics. Interns will spend two weeks as part of the Gynecology service. During this period, they are expected to actively take part in the care of in-patients, assist in the operating room, consult emergency patients and work in the Outpatient Clinic. (4 weeks; compulsory on-call nights and weekends)

Term: Spring 2016Units 3Times: 0:00:00-0:00:00

Interns in Obstetrics and Gynecology are expected to fulfill a four-week program rotating through specialties in the Department. Two weeks are spent as part of the labor and delivery team; following-up laboring and antepartum patients, assisting in deliveries and C-sections, seeing patients in the outpatient Obstetrics clinics. Interns will spend two weeks as part of the Gynecology service. During this period, they are expected to actively take part in the care of in-patients, assist in the operating room, consult emergency patients and work in the Outpatient Clinic. (4 weeks; compulsory on-call nights and weekends)

Term: Spring 2016Units 3Days: MON WEDTimes: 11:30:00-12:45:00

Boundary-value problems in electrostatics and magnetostatics. Maxwell?s equations. Conservation laws. Electromagnetic waves and wave propagation in different media. Waveguides and resonant cavities. Radiating systems.

Term: Spring 2016Units 3Days: TUES THURSTimes: 11:30:00-12:45:00

Basic principles, techniques, and instruments used in biomedical optical research. Scattering, absorption, fluorescence and polarization, and how these properties can be utilized in biomedical diagnostics and imaging. Modelling of light-tissue interactions. Ballistic imaging and microscopy. Optical coherence tomography. Optical biosensors.

Term: Spring 2016Units 3Days: TUES THURSTimes: 10:00:00-11:15:00Ön Koşullar: PHYS. 401 or consent of the instructor

Time-independent perturbation theory; fine structure of the hydrogen spectrum; variational approximation; helium atom; WKB quantization; time-dependent perturbation theory; two-level systems; emission and absorbtion; adiabatic approximation; geometric phase.

Term: Spring 2016Units 3Days: MON WEDTimes: 10:00:00-11:15:00Ön Koşullar: MATH. 201 or MATH 202 or consent of the instructor and Cpap 100 or Cpap 101 or Cpap 150 or DOS 171

Fundamental decisions and trade-offs in the control of a firm's operations in obtaining materials and transferring them to a product or a service in a facility; the contribution of operations to a firm's competitiveness; analysis, control, and improvement of processes.

Term: Spring 2016Units 3Days: MON WEDTimes: 11:30:00-12:45:00Ön Koşullar: MATH. 201 or MATH 202 or consent of the instructor and Cpap 100 or Cpap 101 or Cpap 150 or DOS 171

Fundamental decisions and trade-offs in the control of a firm's operations in obtaining materials and transferring them to a product or a service in a facility; the contribution of operations to a firm's competitiveness; analysis, control, and improvement of processes.

Term: Spring 2016Units 3Days: TUES THURSTimes: 8:30:00-9:45:00Ön Koşullar: MATH. 201 or MATH 202 or consent of the instructor and Cpap 100 or Cpap 101 or Cpap 150 or DOS 171

Fundamental decisions and trade-offs in the control of a firm's operations in obtaining materials and transferring them to a product or a service in a facility; the contribution of operations to a firm's competitiveness; analysis, control, and improvement of processes.

Term: Spring 2016Units 3Days: TUES THURSTimes: 14:30:00-15:45:00

An overview of the objectives, policies and self-imposed restrictions that together describe how organizations propose to develop and direct all the resources invested in operations so as to best fulfil, and possibly redefine, their missions. Coordination of marketing, operations, and finance functions within a framework designed to meet the competitive requirements of the marketplace. Interface issues between corporate strategy and the management of the operations function.

Term: Spring 2016Units 3Times: 0:00:00-0:00:00

Fundamental decisions and tradeoffs in control of a firm's operations: obtaining and controlling the flow of materials through a production facility and distributing them to customers. Four modules: process fundamentals; cross functional integration, coordination and control; improving the performance of productive systems; and competing through technology and operations.

Term: Spring 2016Units 3Times: 0:00:00-0:00:00

Topics will be announced when offered.

Term: Spring 2016Units 3Days: MON WEDTimes: 13:00:00-14:15:00

This course is designed to provide students with an understanding of the behavior of individuals and groups in organizations. Students will identify and develop the skills needed to make an effective contribution to organization, to manage others, and to maintain a high quality of work life. Topics covered include: motivation, communication, conflict negotiation, group dynamics, leadership, organizational&job design, and change management

Term: Spring 2016Units 3Days: MON WEDTimes: 16:00:00-17:15:00

This course is designed to provide students with an understanding of the behavior of individuals and groups in organizations. Students will identify and develop the skills needed to make an effective contribution to organization, to manage others, and to maintain a high quality of work life. Topics covered include: motivation, communication, conflict negotiation, group dynamics, leadership, organizational&job design, and change management

Term: Spring 2016Units 9Times: 0:00:00-0:00:00

General knowledge on development, health and diseases of children. Prevention, diagnosis and treatment methods in pediatrics. Nutrition (breast feeding, weaning), growth monitoring, vaccination and screening programs in infancy. Genetic, structural and metabolic diseases of children. Taking history, physical examination, laboratory examination and modern treatment methods of childhood diseases. Infectious, hemato-oncologic, respiratory, cardiac, gastrointestinal, renal, neurologic and endocrine system diseases in pediatric age group.

Term: Spring 2016Units 3Times: 0:00:00-0:00:00

Basic clinical skills to assess the medical, developmental, and behavioral issues concerning children, from newborns to adolescents. Components of a pediatric health supervision visit including health promotion and disease and injury prevention, the use of screening tools, and immunizations. Common acute/chronic medical and surgical conditions in childhood : mechanisms of diseases, pathologic findings, clinical presentations, physical examination, symptomatology, laboratory tests, diagnostic imaging and treatment. Generation of an age-appropriate differential diagnosis for common symptoms or patient presentations. Interpretation of the results of common diagnostic tests with an emphasis on age related norms. In this block the students will rotate in the pediatric inpatient service, pediatric ambulatory settings, the newborn nursery, subspecialty clinics of pediatrics department and department of pediatric surgery. The program will consist of lectures, panels, case discussions, problem based learning sessions and video presentations.

Term: Spring 2016Units 5Times: 0:00:00-0:00:00

Basic clinical skills to assess the medical, developmental, and behavioral issues concerning children, from newborns to adolescents. Disease and injury prevention, the use of screening tools, and immunizations. Common acute/chronic medical and surgical conditions in childhood: mechanisms of diseases, pathologic findings, clinical presentations, physical examination, symptomatology, laboratory tests, diagnostic imaging and treatment. Generation of an age-appropriate differential diagnosis for common symptoms or patient presentations. Interpretation of the results of common diagnostic tests with an emphasis on age related norms. Neonatal and pediatric advanced life support, approach to the emergent pediatric patients and stabilization skills. In this block, the interns will rotate in the general pediatric ward, pediatric ambulatory settings, the newborn and pediatric intensive care units and pediatric emergency unit. The program will consist of patient follow-up, shifts, case discussions and literature research and presentations. (8 weeks; compulsory on-call nights and weekends)

Term: Spring 2016Units 5Times: 0:00:00-0:00:00

Basic clinical skills to assess the medical, developmental, and behavioral issues concerning children, from newborns to adolescents. Disease and injury prevention, the use of screening tools, and immunizations. Common acute/chronic medical and surgical conditions in childhood: mechanisms of diseases, pathologic findings, clinical presentations, physical examination, symptomatology, laboratory tests, diagnostic imaging and treatment. Generation of an age-appropriate differential diagnosis for common symptoms or patient presentations. Interpretation of the results of common diagnostic tests with an emphasis on age related norms. Neonatal and pediatric advanced life support, approach to the emergent pediatric patients and stabilization skills. In this block, the interns will rotate in the general pediatric ward, pediatric ambulatory settings, the newborn and pediatric intensive care units and pediatric emergency unit. The program will consist of patient follow-up, shifts, case discussions and literature research and presentations. (8 weeks; compulsory on-call nights and weekends)

Term: Spring 2016Units 5Times: 0:00:00-0:00:00

Basic clinical skills to assess the medical, developmental, and behavioral issues concerning children, from newborns to adolescents. Disease and injury prevention, the use of screening tools, and immunizations. Common acute/chronic medical and surgical conditions in childhood: mechanisms of diseases, pathologic findings, clinical presentations, physical examination, symptomatology, laboratory tests, diagnostic imaging and treatment. Generation of an age-appropriate differential diagnosis for common symptoms or patient presentations. Interpretation of the results of common diagnostic tests with an emphasis on age related norms. Neonatal and pediatric advanced life support, approach to the emergent pediatric patients and stabilization skills. In this block, the interns will rotate in the general pediatric ward, pediatric ambulatory settings, the newborn and pediatric intensive care units and pediatric emergency unit. The program will consist of patient follow-up, shifts, case discussions and literature research and presentations. (8 weeks; compulsory on-call nights and weekends)

Term: Spring 2016Units 3Days: TUES THURSTimes: 13:00:00-14:15:00

In this course, we will study propositional logic and first-order monadic quantifier calculus.

Term: Spring 2016Units 3Days: MON WEDTimes: 10:00:00-11:15:00

An examination of ethical views from Ancient times until present. An in-depth analysis of the issues in ethics.

Term: Spring 2016Units 3Days: MON WEDTimes: 13:00:00-14:15:00

Western philosophy from Descartes to Kant. An examination of the texts of philosophers such as Descartes, Locke, Leibniz, Hume, Hobbes, Spinoza and Kant.

Term: Spring 2016Units 3Days: TUES THURSTimes: 13:00:00-14:15:00

Examination of the various issues in Applied Ethics such as bioethics, environmental issues, poverty and global justice, religious, ethnic, racial and sexual equality.