Term: Spring 2021Units 0Times: 0:00:00-0:00:00

A series of lectures given by faculty or outside speakers.

Term: Spring 2021Units 3Times: 0:00:00-0:00:00

Independent Research

Term: Spring 2021Units 3Days: FRI SAT SUNTimes: 9:00:00-18:00:00

Foundations of user experience. User experience design principles and research methods. Connecting user experience research with user experience design through design guidelines. Introduction to user experience management; an investigation into bad and good user experience practices.

Term: Spring 2021Units 3Days: FRI SAT SUNTimes: 9:00:00-18:00:00

Introduction to the concepts of extended reality. New experiences that extended reality provides. State of the art software and hardware solutions for extended reality. The holistic design process of extended reality projects: research, ideation, design, prototyping, and evaluation.

Term: Spring 2021Units 3Times: 0:00:00-0:00:00

Review of descriptive statistics and basic research methodology. Experimental methods and research design including, research and publication ethics, one-way analyses, factorial designs, repeated measures, analysis of covariance, and the analyses of main effects, simple effects and interaction comparisons.

Term: Spring 2021Units 3Times: 0:00:00-0:00:00

Student projects focusing on conceptualization, planning and execution of a production cycle in a medium that student chooses to work on (e.g. television, video, documentary, web, animation, video gaming, advertising).

Term: Spring 2021Units 3Days: MON WEDTimes: 14:30:00-15:45:00

A Brief History of Electrical and Electronics (EE) Engineering, overview of EE curriculum and tracks, overlaps of tyracks and current applications, description of signals and frequencies, presentation of some subjects by experts such as Signal Processing, Electronics, Communications, Electromagnetism, Optics and their natural extensions Micro-Electro-Mechanical systems, Networks, Vision and Video Processing, Lasers and Photonic systems,Biomedical, MATLAB Programming Language.

Term: Spring 2021Units 3Times: 0:00:00-0:00:00

The aim of the course is to give qualified Electrical and Electronics Engineering students a unique opportunity to serve as undergraduate teaching assistants (TAs) as a part of their undergraduate experience. Students are responsible for running review and problem sessions, holding office hours and supervising laboratories for Electrical and Electronics Engineering core and area courses.

Term: Spring 2021Units 3Times: 0:00:00-0:00:00

The aim of the course is to give qualified Electrical and Electronics Engineering students a unique opportunity to serve as undergraduate teaching assistants (TAs) as a part of their undergraduate experience. Students are responsible for running review and problem sessions, holding office hours and supervising laboratories for Electrical and Electronics Engineering core and area courses.

Term: Spring 2021Units 3Days: TUES THURSTimes: 10:00:00-11:15:00Ön Koşullar: PHYS. 102 and MATH. 203

Review of vector calculus; electrostatics, Gauss' law, Poisson's equation, dielectric materials, electrostatic energy, boundary-value problems; magnetostatics, law of Biot and Savart, Ampere's law, magnetic forces and materials, magnetic energy; electromagnetic induction; Faraday's law; Maxwell's equations, Poynting's theorem.

Term: Spring 2021Units 3Days: MON WEDTimes: 13:00:00-14:15:00

Next generation communication systems, wireless cellular networks, machine-to-machine communications, Internet of things, software defined networking, physical layer data transmission, channel propagation characteristics, modulation, demodulation, medium access control layer, data link layer, forward and backward error control, routing layer, optimal routing, transport layer, flow control, congestion control.

Term: Spring 2021Units 4Times: 0:00:00-0:00:00Ön Koşullar: ELEC.310 and ELEC.304 and ELEC.316 OR ELEC.310 and ELEC.301

A capstone design course where students apply engineering and science knowledge in an electrical-electronics engineering design project. Development, design, implementation and management of a project in teams under realistic constraints and conditions. Emphasis on communication, teamwork and presentation skills..

Term: Spring 2021Units 3Days: MON WEDTimes: 13:00:00-14:15:00

Next generation communication systems, wireless cellular networks, machine-to-machine communications, Internet of things, software defined networking, physical layer data transmission, channel propagation characteristics, modulation, demodulation, medium access control layer, data link layer, forward and backward error control, routing layer, optimal routing, transport layer, flow control, congestion control.

Term: Spring 2021Units 0Times: 0:00:00-0:00:00

A series of lectures given by faculty or outside speakers.

Term: Spring 2021Units 3Times: 0:00:00-0:00:00

Interns will spend four weeks in the Emergency Department. They will take an active role in the initial evaluation and treatment of patients, work alongside senior residents, attendings, and nursing staff, and are exposed to wide variety of patients, medical and surgical emergencies, and procedures. Interns will gain valuable experience, as they will be able to follow patients from presentation, through their workup, and onto their diagnosis and management. Interns will evaluate the patients’ level of urgency, learn and apply triage principles. Learn the basic interventions (such as urinary catheter, N/G gavage, taking blood sample, intubation etc). Interns will participate in daily teaching sessions, weekly departmental conferences, as well as lecture series designed specifically for them. (4 weeks; compulsory on-call nights and weekends)

Term: Spring 2021Units 3Times: 0:00:00-0:00:00

Interns will spend four weeks in the Emergency Department. They will take an active role in the initial evaluation and treatment of patients, work alongside senior residents, attendings, and nursing staff, and are exposed to wide variety of patients, medical and surgical emergencies, and procedures. Interns will gain valuable experience, as they will be able to follow patients from presentation, through their workup, and onto their diagnosis and management. Interns will evaluate the patients’ level of urgency, learn and apply triage principles. Learn the basic interventions (such as urinary catheter, N/G gavage, taking blood sample, intubation etc). Interns will participate in daily teaching sessions, weekly departmental conferences, as well as lecture series designed specifically for them. (4 weeks; compulsory on-call nights and weekends)

Term: Spring 2021Units 3Times: 0:00:00-0:00:00

Interns will spend four weeks in the Emergency Department. They will take an active role in the initial evaluation and treatment of patients, work alongside senior residents, attendings, and nursing staff, and are exposed to wide variety of patients, medical and surgical emergencies, and procedures. Interns will gain valuable experience, as they will be able to follow patients from presentation, through their workup, and onto their diagnosis and management. Interns will evaluate the patients’ level of urgency, learn and apply triage principles. Learn the basic interventions (such as urinary catheter, N/G gavage, taking blood sample, intubation etc). Interns will participate in daily teaching sessions, weekly departmental conferences, as well as lecture series designed specifically for them. (4 weeks; compulsory on-call nights and weekends)

Term: Spring 2021Units 3Times: 0:00:00-0:00:00

Interns will spend four weeks in the Emergency Department. They will take an active role in the initial evaluation and treatment of patients, work alongside senior residents, attendings, and nursing staff, and are exposed to wide variety of patients, medical and surgical emergencies, and procedures. Interns will gain valuable experience, as they will be able to follow patients from presentation, through their workup, and onto their diagnosis and management. Interns will evaluate the patients’ level of urgency, learn and apply triage principles. Learn the basic interventions (such as urinary catheter, N/G gavage, taking blood sample, intubation etc). Interns will participate in daily teaching sessions, weekly departmental conferences, as well as lecture series designed specifically for them. (4 weeks; compulsory on-call nights and weekends)

Term: Spring 2021Units 3Times: 0:00:00-0:00:00

Interns will spend four weeks in the Emergency Department. They will take an active role in the initial evaluation and treatment of patients, work alongside senior residents, attendings, and nursing staff, and are exposed to wide variety of patients, medical and surgical emergencies, and procedures. Interns will gain valuable experience, as they will be able to follow patients from presentation, through their workup, and onto their diagnosis and management. Interns will evaluate the patients’ level of urgency, learn and apply triage principles. Learn the basic interventions (such as urinary catheter, N/G gavage, taking blood sample, intubation etc). Interns will participate in daily teaching sessions, weekly departmental conferences, as well as lecture series designed specifically for them. (4 weeks; compulsory on-call nights and weekends)

Term: Spring 2021Units 3Times: 0:00:00-0:00:00

Interns will spend four weeks in the Emergency Department. They will take an active role in the initial evaluation and treatment of patients, work alongside senior residents, attendings, and nursing staff, and are exposed to wide variety of patients, medical and surgical emergencies, and procedures. Interns will gain valuable experience, as they will be able to follow patients from presentation, through their workup, and onto their diagnosis and management. Interns will evaluate the patients’ level of urgency, learn and apply triage principles. Learn the basic interventions (such as urinary catheter, N/G gavage, taking blood sample, intubation etc). Interns will participate in daily teaching sessions, weekly departmental conferences, as well as lecture series designed specifically for them. (4 weeks; compulsory on-call nights and weekends)

Term: Spring 2021Units 3Times: 0:00:00-0:00:00

Interns will spend four weeks in the Emergency Department. They will take an active role in the initial evaluation and treatment of patients, work alongside senior residents, attendings, and nursing staff, and are exposed to wide variety of patients, medical and surgical emergencies, and procedures. Interns will gain valuable experience, as they will be able to follow patients from presentation, through their workup, and onto their diagnosis and management. Interns will evaluate the patients’ level of urgency, learn and apply triage principles. Learn the basic interventions (such as urinary catheter, N/G gavage, taking blood sample, intubation etc). Interns will participate in daily teaching sessions, weekly departmental conferences, as well as lecture series designed specifically for them. (4 weeks; compulsory on-call nights and weekends)

Term: Spring 2021Units 3Times: 0:00:00-0:00:00

Interns will spend four weeks in the Emergency Department. They will take an active role in the initial evaluation and treatment of patients, work alongside senior residents, attendings, and nursing staff, and are exposed to wide variety of patients, medical and surgical emergencies, and procedures. Interns will gain valuable experience, as they will be able to follow patients from presentation, through their workup, and onto their diagnosis and management. Interns will evaluate the patients’ level of urgency, learn and apply triage principles. Learn the basic interventions (such as urinary catheter, N/G gavage, taking blood sample, intubation etc). Interns will participate in daily teaching sessions, weekly departmental conferences, as well as lecture series designed specifically for them. (4 weeks; compulsory on-call nights and weekends)

Term: Spring 2021Units 3Times: 0:00:00-0:00:00

Interns will spend four weeks in the Emergency Department. They will take an active role in the initial evaluation and treatment of patients, work alongside senior residents, attendings, and nursing staff, and are exposed to wide variety of patients, medical and surgical emergencies, and procedures. Interns will gain valuable experience, as they will be able to follow patients from presentation, through their workup, and onto their diagnosis and management. Interns will evaluate the patients’ level of urgency, learn and apply triage principles. Learn the basic interventions (such as urinary catheter, N/G gavage, taking blood sample, intubation etc). Interns will participate in daily teaching sessions, weekly departmental conferences, as well as lecture series designed specifically for them. (4 weeks; compulsory on-call nights and weekends)

Term: Spring 2021Units 0Times: 0:00:00-0:00:00

The following objectives will be met through extensive reading, writing and discussion both in and out of class.Build a solid background in academic discourse, both written and spoken. Improve intensive and extensive critical reading skills. Foster critical and creative thinking. Build fundamental academic writing skills including summary, paraphrase, analysis, synthesis. Master cohesiveness as well as proper academic citation when incorporating the work of others.