INTL 101-Introduction to Political Science
PHIL 101- An Introduction to Philosophy and Philosophical Thinking
ECON 100- Principles of Economics or ECON 110, Introduction to Economics and Strategic Behavior
INTL 203- Introduction to International Relations
INTL 204- Introduction to Comparative Politics
PHIL 215- Epistemology
ECON 201- Intermediate Microeconomics
ECON 202- Intermediate Macroeconomics
ECON 333- Game Theory and Strategy
INTL 308- History of Political Thought
PHIL 213- Ancient Philosophy
PHIL 217- Modern Philosophy
INTL 313- Introduction to Global Political Economy
INTL 325- Gender and Politics
INTL 406- Contemporary Issues in Turkish Politics
INTL 440- Religion, Secularism, and Democracy in the World
INTL 475- Politics of Ethnicity and Nationalism
PHIL 216- Ethics
PHIL 330- Applied Ethics
PHIL 401- Political Philosophy
ECON 322-International Finance
ECON 340-Public Finance
ECON 480- The Economics of Institutions
ECON 481- Turkish Economy
* Yukarıda yer alan Teori, Tarih ve Seçilmiş Konular alanlarının 2 tanesinden toplam 3 ders tamamlanmalıdır.
* Anadalı Ekonomi, Felsefe veya Uluslararası İlişkiler olan öğrenciler kendi anadalları dışındaki 2 seçmeli alandan 3 ders tamamlamalırdırlar.